Marina Silva · Palms on Palms
March 9, 2019 – April 7, 2019
Artist Marina Silva
Palms on Palms
Marina Silva, alias Marsinha, is a Mexican-born, Mexico City-based artist and designer who has spent considerable time in Brooklyn and Berlin.
After receiving her BFA in Fine Arts from Parsons the New School of Art and Design, and participating in the Fine Arts program of Central Saint Martins in London, Marina has taken part in several group and solo exhibitions in London, New York City, Mexico City, and Miami.
She has worked with several designers and creative agencies, including Deszo by Sara Beltran, Venessa Arizaga, Create Collect and Alldayeveryday. Her illustrations and paintings speak to the relationship between the force of femininity and nature, and the collective desire for the female figure.
Marina Silva alias Marsinha, es una artista Mexicana basada en la Ciudad de México, triangulando con Brooklyn y Berlin. Sus ilustraciones y pinturas hablan sobre la fuerza femenina en paralelo a la naturaleza, así como el deseo colectivo a la figura de al mujer.
Marina ha participado en exposiciones en México, Nueva York, Londres y Miami a demás de haber trabajado con varios diseñadores y agencias creativas como Deszo by Sara Beltran, Venessa Arizaga, Create Collect y Alldayeveryday. Con la licenciatura en Artes Plásticas por Parsons en Nueva York y Central Saint Martins en Londres, Marina ha participado en varias exposiciones solistas como colectivas en México, Nueva York, Londres y Miami.